
Stylin TOMS

You know those projects you start and have every intention of finishing?
And then life happens... we moved, started school, job hunted, doctor visits, squeeze in some exercise, and every other thing that takes up the day.

Normally i'd say i love art projects and can get sucked in so fully that hours will go by and the only thing to bring me out of a trance is seeing that the sun has moved and now i need a light on. Then as i get up to turn it on i notice my knees are stiff and i've lost feeling in my feet

As i wobble to the light switch i take note of the time.. How on earth have i been sitting for 5 hours and not moved!? (if only math were like this) At this point it wouldn't be uncommon for me to realize i haven't eaten since breakfast and now it's almost 7:00 pm. Oops.

Meet said project.

i started these a long time ago for my cousin and bit by slow bit they have come together

A big problem for me is knowing when to call it quits. Sometimes things just don't feel as if they are complete and heaven help me if i'm going to let part of me walk around unfinished! i think this is one of those "artist's problems" once you're so invested in something if feels as if (phony as it sounds) it's part of who you are as a person. Maybe because it's the style in which someone draws/ paints/ photographs/ writes (whatever your medium is) shines through and it's possible to identify the the person by the art. You certainly wouldn't confuse a Monet with a Picasso right? That little piece of me can't be judged till i'm done with it and that is a hard conclusion to come to after a while.

Now i can call these done and get them sent!

ps - if you don't know what the (Harry Potter) theme is i do apologize you had no childhood.
Troy read the first four books to me and then we fought over the rest. My mom would literally have to set her strawberry twist timer for allotted time we each had to read. Can you say NERD children? Who fights over reading a book? Well if you read them you do understand and possibly had a similar experience and if you didn't.. Like i said, i'm sorry.