
School started again..

It has a way of doing that before you're ready. i don't like it but at the same time that graduation thing doesn't happen outta no where.
Kids i hope i teach you the Work Hard, Play Hard concept in life. Please don't idle your time away and if you do prepare yourself for a kick to the butt. 
Also i had a goal (what the..?) that i wanted the kitchen pantry cleaned out before school started and let me tell you - that thing looks great! Mission accomplished. So much easier and i'm loving the open and organized space.

Also before school started - we made it count!
Fondue night with the ladies

And hiked through Muir Woods 

Matty is protecting our camera from the rain. 

Who doesn't want a creme brûlée as big as your face??

Beautiful beach day with friends

Now it's full speed ahead - chemistry, anatomy, and political science till mid May..


Holladay Time

We found the perfect tree for our apartment and for half the price!

Some of the neighbors go all out on the lights and it was fun to drive by every night

Matty is becoming quite the pizza maker! We loved the deep dish he made for Christmas Day lunch. 

To make the pizza making easier

We went to the BYU bowl game at AT&T park

And found an empty Cable Car

And the Oakland temple Saturday morning

Then it was Happy Birthday Time Matty!
Maybe one more time

One of our favorite restaurants in the city 

And a Cable Car kiss on top of Lombard Street