
Pearl Harbor

This past week we went on a couple of outings since Matty didn't have his Tues/Thrs class! On Thursday we made it down to town and got to visit Pearl Harbor. We got a later start than we wanted to but got there just the same and snagged the last two tickets for the 1:30 boat! We had some time to kill and thanks to Yelp that made it easy. We decided on a crepe place not too far away and enjoyed the Alfredo Pizza and Aloha (strawberry/chocolate/cream) crepes

i will always love whip cream

They were both wonderful and hit the spot. We headed back a little early for parking and got to go through the little mini museums they have there before the movie and boat ride.

So glad we had clear skies for our outing

It was rather windy and i was unimpressed with the lack of reverence from the tourists that afternoon.. Even though the park rangers try to explain this place is actually a tomb for over 1,000 soldiers and should be respected as such i still heard people yelling for their family to get over here or there for the picture or to stay close (Seriously over protective mother? Your child is not going anywhere. in case you didn't notice the BOAT you came on is the only way on or off the 200ft long memorial. And one only comes every 15 minutes. So fat chance of a kidnapping. Unless your child is...   -my imagination is running wild with sarcastic reasons right now-  so be quiet mom and let your child drink up the history they are standing over) it was also really windy but the park ranger gave a good little talk to us (some of the info can be found here like how many sets of brothers were on the ship, how it still leaks oil, and that the men who were able to escape are given the option of being cremated after they die and placed back in the ship with their crew members.) 

i cry every time i think about how scary it must have been for those men to be caught off guard and trapped as the ship went down. In a way i feel like they gave their lives for the moral of our country. They were a motivation for other service men to fight, and endure what they did to win the war. Which makes me think of this book i read while taking the bus to work last year. Such a good read and i highly recommend it. They sacrificed something my generation will never understand, for the freedoms we now take for granted. 

May we always honor and respect you and remember the price you paid. 

We had a good afternoon shower on our way back home and a little stop at Whole Foods for a snack and some goooood tea! Pineapple+Coconut and wonderful granola


The in-between Season

Matty and i are preping to leave Hawaii and it is so bitter sweet for us! Here's something that i find comforting when i think of leaving this beautiful place.

Pants! Sweaters! Scarfs!

i love this outfit! But would not dream of wearing it here! Not only would i sweat till i fell over, the saying "it's better to be over dressed.." doesn't seem to apply here. On many levels. i'm excited to have a dress standard for "going out" or for church or just day to day wear again. Baggy gym shorts are the norm and it drives me crazy. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with comfy clothing (when you stay inside your house) and when i'm a mom i'm sure i'll have different expectations of myself but as for here and now..
My exception is i would switch out those sandals for my charcoal Toms that Matty got me for Christmas our first year of dating.
And this watch. (i would not be complaining if i had a Nixon! Just like this style a bit better. More feminine you know:)

On the flip side it is kind of refreshing that no one takes fashion seriously here. Very "necessity only" way of life in most regards which is humbling and a great example. However i think Matty and i are too materialistic and will welcome the change. Are we too stuck up? Possibly, but i do look forward to the extra push to dress cute when we get back. Wearing heels to church is pushing the limit and wearing red or bright lipstick is out of the question. Wouldn't surprise me if when i get back i'll end up wanting what i can't have and miss this little back country life style here. We shall see..


A little humor for your day

There are so many of these that bother me i just thought i'd share one that caught my fancy

i was laughing for a long time

and by "these" i mean:

Check it out here