
i'm not one for New Year's resolutions..

In the past i have never made a New Years resolution, nor has that ever bothered me. Sure there's things i want to improve on like being more organized, more punctual, more service oriented, or other worthy things of self improvement; however i have never had the desire to lose weight, run a marathon, quit the smoking problem i've never had, or some of the other typical resolutions out there. If i want to do something i will do it, be it March, May or October. i have never waited for January 1 to think of something i want to do.
Until last night.. you see, this year i turned 20 (no more "teenage years" for me), got married(!), and moved 2,390 miles away from home. Needless to say it's felt like i've grown up quite a bit in the last while! This also got me thinking "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller (my family heavily relies on movie quotes to communicate. Have fun following along) and when i have kids (you know, in a million years from now) and they ask "What did you do when you lived in Hawaii?" "What was in fashion when___?" (Getting married almost exactly 4 months after the Royal Wedding , these things need to be documented) or "What did you do when you were a kid/in high school/college/newly married?" (heaven forbid i forget! but let's face it, time has a way of making things fuzzy.. sadly.) Another thing that i saw and think is the best idea is this: Google add that a creative dad did for his daughter. Yes, it made me cry the first time i watched it (i cry a lot. Thanks Mom..)
So why not make a journal (this Blog) for my kids and let them read what they want about Matt's and my life? Some of these posts will be about past events, some about food we make (and eat), places we go, books we read, family they have (that they may never get to know as we know), songs we like, conversation they never could sit in on, and whatever else we decide to post that we want them to know. Lucky for you, you get to follow along to! :) So welcome to the Holladay blog! My New Year's idea

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