
Life Lesson 1

Matty beat me to the bathroom this morning, which isn't a big deal at all. He was getting the final things ready for his NY trip and was busy so when I got to the bathroom, and more specifically the toilet (t.m.i.?) my thought was "Come on Matty.." When there wasn't any toilet paper left on the roll. Again, not a big deal but it's not pleasant doing the awkward reach first thing in the a.m. Fast forward about 7 hours 

"Come on me.." Little did I know (or notice) he had indeed gotten another roll out. I was the oblivious one.
- Here's to taking time to notice, not jumping to conclusions, and not expecting the worst in people. - I'm glad I didn't get all bent outta shape over it, which is easy for me to do the first 20 minutes of  consciousness in the morning 
This was a small reminder that a) Matty looks out for me b) I'm a terrible person before 10:00am c) misunderstandings are so stupid and easily avoided if we take the time to act and not react. I'll work on being better at this each day

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